Buchbinder, Mara and Erika L. Sabbath. 2024. Reproductive Healthcare After Dobbs: Rethinking Obstetric Harm in the United States. Medical Anthropology 44(1):6-21.
Sabbath, Erika L., Samantha M. McKetchnie, Kavita S. Arora, Mara Buchbinder. 2024. Are State Abortion Bans an Occupational Health Hazard for Obstetrician-Gynecologists? Findings from a Multi-State Qualitative Study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 81(10):493-497.
Buchbinder, Mara, Kavita S. Arora, Samantha M. McKetchnie, and Erika L. Sabbath. 2024. Sources of Moral Distress Among Obstetrician-Gynecologists in States with Post-Dobbs Abortion Bans: A Multi-State Qualitative Study. SSM Qualitative Research in Health 6:100483.
Sabbath, Erika, Kavita Arora, and Mara Buchbinder. 2024. Supporting OB-GYNs in Abortion-Restrictive States: A Playbook for Institutions. JAMA 332(8):613-614.
Sabbath, Erika, Samantha McKetchnie, Kavita Arora, and Mara Buchbinder. (2024). US Obstetrician-Gynecologists’ Perceived Impacts of Post-Dobbs v Jackson State Abortion Bans. JAMA Network Open. 7(1):e2352109.
Buchbinder, Mara, Theodore J. Iwashyna, Olga Yakusheva, Lesly Kelly, Deena Costa. 2024. Organizational Resilience: A Systems-Based Approach for Addressing the Workforce Crisis in Intensive Care. CHEST 166(4):673-675.
Jenkins, Tania M., Liza Buchbinder, and Mara Buchbinder. 2024. Forces to be Reckoned With: Countervailing Powers and Physician Emotional Distress during COVID-19. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. Online ahead of print.
Berens, Noah and Mara Buchbinder. 2024. How Should we Allocate Divisible Resources? An Overlooked Question. Journal of Clinical Ethics 35(1):59-64.
Buchbinder, Mara, Alyssa Browne, Nancy Berlinger, Tania Jenkins, Liza Buchbinder. 2023. Moral Stress and Moral Distress: Confronting Challenges in Health Care Systems Under Pressure. American Journal of Bioethics 24(12):8-22.
Buchbinder, Mara, Nancy Berlinger, Tania Jenkins, John Staley, Nancy Berlinger, Liza Buchbinder, Lily Goldberg.* 2023. Multidimensional Stressor and Protective Factors Shaping Physicians’ Work Environments and Work-Related Wellbeing in Two Large U.S. Cities During COVID-19. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 66:854-865.
Browne, Alyssa, Tania Jenkins, Nancy Berlinger, Liza Buchbinder, and Mara Buchbinder. 2023. The impact of health inequities on physicians' occupational well-being during COVID-19: A qualitative analysis from four US cities. Journal of Hospital Medicine 18:595-602.
Buchbinder, Mara, Alyssa Browne, Tania Jenkins, Nancy Berlinger, and Liza Buchbinder. 2022. Hospital Physicians’ Perspectives on Occupational Stress During COVID-19: A Qualitative Analysis From Two US Cities. Journal of General Internal Medicine 38(1):176-184.
Buchbinder, Mara, Nancy Berlinger, Tania M. Jenkins. 2022. Protecting Practitioners in Stressed Systems: Translating Empirical Bioethics Findings from the Pandemic. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. Symposium on Translational Bioethics 65(4):637-645.
Buchbinder, Mara and Tania Jenkins. 2022. Burnout in Critical Care: Time for Moving Upstream. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 19(9):1443=1445.
Berlinger, Nancy, Emily A. Largent, Mara Buchbinder, Mildred Z. Solomon. 2024. Choice in the Context of Dementia: Emerging Issues for Health Care Practice in Aging Societies. Hastings Center Report 54(S1):S2-S10.
Buchbinder, Mara and Nancy Berlinger. 2024. Opening the Door: Rethinking “Difficult Conversations about Living and Dying with Dementia. Hastings Center Report 54(S1):S22-S28.
Buchbinder, Mara and Noah Berens. 2024. Beyond Coercion: Reframing the Influencing Other in Medically Assisted Death. Journal of Medical Ethics 35(1):59-64.
Buchbinder Mara. 2023. MAID in America: Expanding Our Gaze on the Ethics of Assistance. American Journal of Bioethics 23(9):22-24.
Buchbinder, Mara and Cindy Cain. 2023. Medical Aid in Dying: New Frontiers in Medicine, Law, and Culture. Annual Review of Law and Social Science 19:8.1-8.20.
Buchbinder, Mara. 2022. Dirty Work in Medicine: Understanding US Physicians’ Agency in Contested Medical Practices. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 36(4):534-551.
Elizabeth Brassfield, Mara Buchbinder. 2021. Clinical Discussion of Medical Aid-in-Dying: Minimizing Harms and Ensuring Informed Choice. Patient Education and Counseling 104(3):671-674.
Buchbinder, Mara and Raymond De Vries. The Ought and Is of Conscience: The Value of Empirical Bioethics for Reframing Normative Analysis. American Journal of Bioethics, Empirical Bioethics 11(1):27-29.
Brassfield, Elizabeth, and Mara Buchbinder. Clinicians’ Perspectives on the Duty to Inform Patients About Medical Aid-in-Dying. American Journal of Bioethics, Empirical Bioethics 11(1):53-62.
Brassfield, Elizabeth, Manisha Mishra, and Mara Buchbinder. 2019. Responding to Requests for Aid-in-Dying: Rethinking the Role of Conscience. Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 9(1):67-72.
Buchbinder, Mara. 2019. The Power of Suggestion: Disclosure Ideologies and Medically Assisted Death. Medical Anthropology Theory 6(1): 5-29.
Buchbinder, Mara, Elizabeth Brassfield, and Manisha Mishra. 2019. Health Care Providers’ Experiences with Implementing Medical Aid-in-Dying in Vermont: a Qualitative Study. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 34(4): 636-641.
Buchbinder, Mara. 2018. Choreographing Death: A Social Phenomenology of Medical Aid-in-Dying in the United States. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 32(4):481-497. (*Recipient of the 2019 Polgar Prize, awarded to the best article in the previous year’s volume of Medical Anthropology Quarterly.)
Buchbinder, Mara, Enioluwafe Ojo, Laila Knio, and Elizabeth Brassfield. Caregivers’ Experiences with Medical Aid-in-Dying in Vermont. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 56(6):936-943.
Buchbinder, Mara. 2018. Access to Aid-in-Dying in the United States: Shifting the Debate from Rights to Justice. American Journal of Public Health 108(6):754-759.
Buchbinder, Mara. 2017. Assisted Dying and the Physician’s Duty to Inform. Journal of Medical Ethics 43:666-669.
Juengst, Eric, Mara Buchbinder, Colleen Blue, Stuart Rennie, Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, David L. Rosen. 2022. Improving the Continuity of Care for People Living with HIV Experiencing Incarceration in North Carolina Jails: Stakeholder Perspectives. North Carolina Medical Journal 83(5)::382-388.
Buchbinder, Mara, Eric Juengst, Stuart Rennie, Colleen Blue, and David L. Rosen. 2022. Advancing a Data Justice Framework for Public Health Surveillance. American Journal of Bioethics Empirical Bioethics 13(3):205-213.
Blue, Colleen, Mara Buchbinder, Mersedes Brown, Steve Bradley-Bull, David L. Rosen. 2022. Access to HIV Care in Jails: Perspectives from People Living with HIV in North Carolina. PLoS ONE 17(1): e0262882.
Buchbinder, Mara, Colleen Blue, Mersedes Brown, Steve Bradley-Bull, and David L. Rosen. 2021. Jail-Based Data-to-Care to Improve Continuity of HIV Care: Perspectives and Experiences from Previously Incarcerated Individuals. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 37(9):687-693.
Buchbinder, Mara, Colleen Blue, Stuart Rennie, Eric Juengst, Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, David Rosen. (2020). Practical and ethical concerns in implementing enhanced surveillance methods to improve continuity of HIV care: a qualitative expert stakeholder study. JMIR Public Health Surveillance 6(3):e19891.
Mara Buchbinder, Colleen Blue, Eric Juengst, Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, Stuart Rennie, David Rosen. (in press). Expert Stakeholders’ Perspectives on a Data-to-Care Strategy for Improving Care Among HIV-Positive Individuals Incarcerated in Jails. AIDS Care 32(9):1155-1161.
Rennie, Stuart, Mara Buchbinder, Eric Juengst, Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, Colleen Blue, David Rosen. (in press). Scraping the Web for Public Health Gains: Ethical Considerations from a “Big Data” Research Project on HIV and Incarceration. Public Health Ethics 13(1):111-121.
Broaddus, Emily, Mara Buchbinder, and Anne Lyerly. (2025). The Impact of New Abortion Restrictions on Medical Students: A Qualitative Study of Responses to Texas Senate Bill 8. Texas Education Review 13(1): 50-63.
Schultz, Abby, Cambray Smith, Madelyn Johnson, Amy Bryant, and Mara Buchbinder. 2024. Impact of Post-Dobbs Abortion Restrictions on Maternal Fetal Medicine Physicians in the Southeast: A Qualitative Study. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maternal Fetal Medicine 6(7):101387.
Buchbinder, Mara, Joanna Mishtal, Elyse Singer, Claire Wendland. 2022. Society for Medical Anthropology Statement on Supreme Court Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Decision. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 36(4):433-441.
Buchbinder, Mara. 2022. Dirty Work in Medicine: Understanding US Physicians’ Agency in Contested Medical Practices. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 36(4):534-551..
Buchbinder, Mara and Raymond De Vries. (2020). The Ought and Is of Conscience: The Value of Empirical Bioethics for Reframing Normative Analysis. American Journal of Bioethics, Empirical Bioethics 11(1):27-29.
Britton, Laura, Rebecca Mercier, Mara Buchbinder, and Amy Bryant. 2017. Abortion Providers, Professional Identity, and Restrictive Laws: A Qualitative Study. Health Care for Women International 38(3):222-237.
Buchbinder, Mara. 2016. Scripting Dissent: US Abortion Laws, Medicine, and the Politics of Scripted Speech. American Anthropologist 118(4):772-783.
Buchbinder, Mara, Dragana Lassiter, Rebecca Mercier, Amy Bryant, and Anne Drapkin Lyerly. 2016.Reframing Conscientious Care: Providing Care and Maintaining Integrity When Law and Conscience Collide. Hastings Center Report 46(2):22-30.
Buchbinder, Mara, Dragana Lassiter, Rebecca Mercier, Amy Bryant, and Anne Drapkin Lyerly. 2016. “Prefacing the Script” as an Ethical Response to State-Mandated Abortion Counseling. AJOB – Empirical Bioethics 7(1):48-55.
Mercier, Rebecca, Mara Buchbinder, and Amy Bryant. TRAP Laws and the Invisible Labor of US Abortion Providers. 2016. Critical Public Health 26(1):77-87.
Mercier, Rebecca, Mara Buchbinder, Amy Bryant, and Laura Britton. 2015. The Experiences and Adaptations of Abortion Providers Practicing Under a New TRAP Law: A Qualitative Study.Contraception 91(6):507-512.
Buchbinder, Mara. 2017. Keeping out and Getting in: Reframing Emergency Department Gatekeeping as Structural Competence. Sociology of Health and Illness 39(7):1166-1179.
Buchbinder, Mara. 2015. Neural Imaginaries and Clinical Epistemology: Rhetorically Mapping the Adolescent Brain in the Clinical Encounter. Social Science and Medicine. Special Issue: The Rise of Developmental Science: Debates on Health and Humanity. 143:304-310.
Buchbinder, Mara, Rachel Wilbur, Samuel McLean, and Betsy Sleath. 2015. “Is There Any Way I Can Get Something For My Pain?” Patient Strategies for Requesting Analgesics. Patient Education and Counseling 98(2):137-143.
Isaacs, Cameron, Christine Kistler, Katherine Hunold, Gregory Periera, Mara Buchbinder, Mark Weaver, Samuel McLean, and Timothy Platts-Mill. 2013. Shared Decision Making in the Selection of Outpatient Analgesics for Older Emergency Department Patients. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 61(5):798-798.
Buchbinder, Mara. 2012. “Sticky” Brains and Sticky Encounters in an American Pediatric Pain Clinic.Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 36(1):102-123.
Buchbinder, Mara. 2011. Personhood Diagnostics: Personal Attributes and Clinical Explanations of Pain. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 25(4):457-478.
Buchbinder, Mara. 2010. Giving an Account of One’s Pain in the Anthropological Interview. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 34(1):108-131.
Buchbinder, Mara and Stefan Timmermans. 2014. Affective Economies and the Politics of Saving Babies’ Lives. Public Culture 26(1):101-126.
Timmermans, Stefan and Mara Buchbinder. 2013. Potentializing Newborn Screening. Current Anthropology. Special Issue: The Anthropology of Potentialities. 54(S7):S26-S35.
Buchbinder, Mara and Stefan Timmermans. 2012. Newborn Screening for Metabolic Disorders: Parental Perceptions of the Initial Communication of Results. Clinical Pediatrics 51(8):739-744.
Timmermans, Stefan and Mara Buchbinder. 2012. Expanded Newborn Screening: Articulating the Ontology of Diseases with Bridging Work in the Clinic. Sociology of Health and Illness 34(2):208-220. [Reprinted in Sociology of Health and Illness Monograph Series. N. Armstrong and H. Eborall, eds. TheSociology of Medical Screening: Critical Perspectives, New Directions. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.]
Buchbinder, Mara and Stefan Timmermans. 2011. Newborn Screening and Maternal Diagnosis: Rethinking Family Benefit. Social Science & Medicine 73(7):1014-1018.
Buchbinder, Mara and Stefan Timmermans. 2011. Medical Technologies and the Dream of the Perfect Newborn. Medical Anthropology 30(1):56-80.
Timmermans, Stefan and Mara Buchbinder. 2010. Patients in Waiting: Living Between Sickness and Health in the Genomics Era. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 51(4):408-423.
Brenner, Erica, Mary Grewe, Catalina Berenblum*, Amy Bryant, Marla Dubinksy, Xian Zhang, Millie Long, Michael Kappelman, and Mara Buchbinder. (2024). Perspectives on Contraception, Pregnancy, and Reproductive Health Counseling from Young Women with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Crohn’s and Colitis 360 7(1):otae078.
Berenblum Tobi,* Catalina and Mara Buchbinder. Physician’s Explanatory Models of Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Qualitative Interview Study. Qualitative Health Research 34(6):552-561.
Adams, Elizabeth Troutman and Mara Buchbinder. 2022. Narratives of Prevention and Redemption in Opioid Overdose Obituaries. Medical Humanities 48:e5.
Buchbinder, Mara, Elizabeth Brassfield, Andrew Tungate, et al. 2021. “I Still Feel so Lost”: Experiences of Women Receiving SANE Care During the Year After Sexual Assault. Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open 2:e12464.
Buchbinder, Mara, Rachel Wilbur, Diana Zuskov, Samuel McLean, and Betsy Sleath. 2014. Teachable Moments and Missed Opportunities for Smoking Cessation Counseling in a Hospital Emergency Department: A Mixed-Methods Study of Patient-Provider Communication. BMC Health Services Research 14(1):651-9.
Buchbinder, Mara, Jeffrey Longhofer, and Kathleen McCue. 2009. Family Routines and Rituals When a Parent has Cancer. Families, Systems, & Health 27(3):213-227.
Buchbinder, Mara. 2009. The Management of Autonomy in Adolescent Diabetes: A Case Study of Triadic Medical Interaction. Health 13(2):175-196.
Buchbinder, Mara. 2008. “You’re Still Sick!” Framing, Footing, and Participation in Children’s Medical Play. Discourse Studies 10(2):139-159.
Mosavel, Mosavel, Christian Simon, Debbie van Stade, and Mara Buchbinder. 2005. Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) in South Africa: Engaging Multiple Constituents to Shape the Research Question. Social Science & Medicine 61(12):2577-2587.
Buchbinder, Mara, Mark Detzer, Robert Welsch, Anne Christiano, Jennifer Patashnick, and Michael Rich. 2005. Assessing Adolescents with Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus: A Multiple Perspective Pilot Study Using Visual Illness Narratives and Interviews. Journal of Adolescent Health 36(1):e9-e13.
Burman, Marcia, Daniel Kivlahan, Mara Buchbinder, Kristine Broglio, Xiao Zhou, Joseph Merrill, Mary McDonell, Stephan Fihn, and Katharine Bradley. 2004. Alcohol-Related Advice for VA Primary Care Patients: Who Gets It, Who Gives It? Journal of Studies on Alcohol 65(5):621-630.
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